5:30am Dirty Dozen

Group Fitness Studio

Brittany 45 min Strength training workout based on the number 12 somehow. 12 exercises, time increments of 12, etc. May include a limited amount of cardio.

10:00am Resolution Reboot (Checkup)

Group Fitness Studio

New Year resolutions should last the entire year, right?! Join Laura for a 60 min total body workout.  EVERYONE is welcome but if you attended the first Resolution Reboot class you will also get a recheck on your fitness assessment. Modifications will be shown for all fitness levels. Laura  (60 min)

5:30am Plyo/Iso

Group Fitness Studio

Strength workout mixture of static (holding) resistance exercises and dynamic (jumping) exercises.  Low impact options shown. Brittany 45min

5:30am Dirty Dozen

Group Fitness Studio

Brittany 45 min Strength training workout based on the number 12 somehow. 12 exercises, time increments of 12, etc. May include a limited amount of cardio.

5:30am Compact Chains

Group Fitness Studio

Jorja 45 min Click here for a video description of Compact Chains.  

6:00pm Resolution Reboot (Checkup)

Group Fitness Studio

New Year resolutions should last the entire year, right?! Join Laura for a 60 min total body workout.  EVERYONE is welcome but if you attended the first Resolution Reboot class you will also get a recheck on your fitness assessment. Modifications will be shown for all fitness levels. Jorja  (60 min)

5:30AM B.A.S.E.

Group Fitness Studio

Balance, Agility, Strength, Endurance Jorja 45 min

5:30am Plyo/Iso

Group Fitness Studio

Strength workout mixture of static (holding) resistance exercises and dynamic (jumping) exercises.  Low impact options shown. Jorja 45min